Monday, August 26, 2013

Our Awesome 2nd Grader

We have a 2nd Grader!!!

 I'm eating cake as I type this.  Because cake makes everything a little sweeter.  It's always a bittersweet day when Brody starts school.  I'm thankful for how far God has brought him, but I'm also a little sad at how quiet the house is.  I really enjoy having someone to take care of all day, but I am also very proud of how confident my son walked into his class today.  Brody was so certain everything was going to be fine, and that is a wonderful milestone he hit this morning.  Can't be selfish when he is being successful!  No tears for me today (yes, my heart hurts a little) because I am truly happy that he is happy.  We're excited about this year, and we love our awesome 2nd grader!