Thursday, January 27, 2011

X-Files and Dreams

Dreams are answers to questions we haven't yet figured out how to ask. ~X-Files

That quote from X-Files plagued my mind last night. I know, I know the fact that I can quote X-Files in the middle of the night just shows what a strange gal I am. I'm cool with being a weird, nerdy lady because I like what I like and at least I know what I like.

Dreams....some are great, some are horrifying, and some are confusing. I think as extreme as all dreams can be, they usually do hold some kind of truth about us. Somewhere in the dream lies a strong emotion of how we feel about someone, something, or some event.  I probably tend to analyze my dreams too much, but I do like to ask myself what made my brain come up with that.  Do I really feel that way?  There have been times when I have examined myself, and I came to the guilty conclusion that is really how I feel about something or someone.  Of course, there are also amazing dreams that reveal what I really hope for.  It's fun and sometimes terrifying to see what my heart longs for.  I know someone out there is saying my dreams have no meaning, and they are random.  Maybe it's as Gail Godwin once wrote, "Dreams say what they mean, but they don't say it in daytime language."  Who knows?  But I to do believe there is some insight to be had from a dream. 

Last night, I had a reoccurring dream all night.  I was running and Forrest Gump style.  I just felt like running.  I traveled through field after field.  Who doesn't like a nice run through the country!?!?  Eventually, I come to a field filled with cabbage.  Everywhere I looked there were big bundles of green leafy goodness.  As I looked closer, I notice movement in all of them.  Each one had a baby in Cabbage Patch Kids.  Then they all put their right hand in the air.  It was like "Pick me!  Pick ME!  PICK ME!"  I caught in a dilemma of not being about to pick.

That's was my dream, and it's a pretty easy one to pick a part.  Ryan and I are adopting a baby (you can scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Brice Family Adoption if you want to read about it).  The process is like running.  It's an exciting yet long journey.  It fun to think about everyday of adding a child to our family.  There is also anticipation of what that child will be like and will we choose the right child referral from India. 

So what do you think about dreams?  Are they random or do they give us insight about our life?

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