Monday, May 7, 2012

Life is Sweet!

 And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count.  It's the life in your years.  ~Abraham Lincoln

I was so excited this morning to finally cut up a watermelon this year.  Watermelon is one of our favorite things to eat, and I have been wanting one for months.  Plus I also got to use my fancy watermelon knife I got for Christmas.   

I packed Brody a big Tupperware of watermelon for his lunch box.   He was delighted to have it at school today.  Once again, it's the little things in life that matter the most to kids.  The taste of watermelon was equivalent to a new bike.  It's a blessing to be reminded of how a simple life is a good life!  

And oh, was it sweet!  

There have been several "sweet stuff" in my life this past week that are just too good not to share.

*First, is God's word.  
Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.  Psalm 34:8

The Bible has just filled me up with God's encouragement.  We have been waiting on some paperwork to move with our adoption and a house selling, and sometimes waiting is just hard.  I look to the Lord for comfort, and He is so gracious with His love.

*Second, is my awesome husband.
Ryan has gone out of his way to say sweet words lately.  It just melts my heart to hear kind words.

*Third, is my sweet boy Brody.  He has become the post-it king with all his sweet notes to his mama.  I can hardly believe how fast he has picked up reading and writing.  I'm so proud of him. 

"I love you.  I like you.  You are cool."

Brody letting me know his room is clean.

Life is sweet, and we are enjoying all these sweet moments!

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