Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Tribe

I fell in love with Africa a few years ago...or let me say I fell in love with the people of Africa.  It was the togetherness of tribes and families that I loved so much.  They could depend upon each other. I've sat through many Sunday School lessons on "love your neighbor as you love yourself" growing up, and I thought I had seen many Christians live this out in their lives.  It was not until I stayed in a village for a week that I understood the full concept of loving your neighbor.  They looked out for one another and shared their things with each other.  Amazing how non-christians do a better job at loving their neighbors than most Christians in the USA do.  They do it out of survival and customs. We only do it on occasions when we happen to think about someone.  I saw this hospitality in Africa that has made a huge difference in my life.  I began to a have desire in my heart for the companionship this village had.  It's true that it takes a village to raise children....or it should.

Why are we not more intentional at loving others?

I know I often make life all about me, and I fall down every time.  I cannot do everything all on my own.  It would be nice, but I don't think we were created to be all-sufficient.  Things happen in all families where we need help.  Oh the things that can happen to a household: sickness, spouse goes out of town for work, broken cars, new babies, etc.  At our house, when it rains it pours too.  My life is less complicated when I'm able to share it with others, and I can make others lives less complicated too.  In the words of the Wonder Pets, "What's going to work?  TEAMWORK!" 

How do I get a tribe of my own?

Some people are blessed to have a large family who lives close to each other.  If that's you, then be thankful and never take them for granted.  Others like me live no where close to family.  I have to go out and create my own family.  I count my close friends as family.  I look for other people who need a tribe of their own too.  We create a bond and then we stick together.   So when one of us needs a babysitter, we know we can depend upon each other for help.  When my car breaks down, I have people who make sure I get where I need to go.  And when I'm having an awesome day, I have tribe to share it with it.  

Does a tribe work?
Like everything else good in life, it takes work.  You have put out some effort to make the tribe grow and be healthy.  If you don't call or visit, then how will you know if someone needs help, encouragement, or praise?  You put time into your peeps and they put time into you.  It's a wonderful cycle! 

Want to hear another reason why I think adoption is so important?

Sure you do!  There are children all over the world who have no tribe or family to be a part of.  They long to be a part of someone's life.  If we are to be obedient to God's word, then we are to love orphans as we love ourselves.  They need help too!

Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family.  Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.  ~Jane Howard

1 comment:

Cristy said...

I got asked if these are my pictures, and the answer is yes. The were taken in Niger in a village outside of Niamey.