Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Spend the Afternoon

Brody, "Mom, we need a picnic!" Me, "Yes, we do."
Spend the afternoon.  You can't take it with you.  ~Annie Dillard

Normally our busy time of the year begins in June, but this year the business began in May.  The calendar is already being checked daily, sometimes hourly, to make sure everyone in the family is where they need to be.  Summer in the student ministry is a blast, but it's busy.  It's important to us that we don't just go and go and not take the time to fully enjoy all the good moments.  Life can really pass by quickly.  We will blink our eyes soon, and it will once again be August with school starting.  Although there is lots to do and plan, it is a must to stop and smell all the roses as much a possible.  So when my son tells me what a beautiful day it is and how we need a picnic, we will stop and enjoy life.  It's easy to get into surviving mode instead of living mode.  

My Mother's Day card.  Brody said I was 145 years old and 20 inches tall.
Brody went bowling for the 1st time over the weekend for his friend's birthday.

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